Use of Delphi Method and GIS in Site Selection Flood Water Spreading

Document Type : Original Article




Now floodwater spreading on aquifers is one of the suitable methods for control and efficient use flood and artificial feed groundwater in arid and semi-arid regions and determine appropriate locations with accuracy and required speed for floodwater spreading it is of utmost importance. In this study, were identified main criteria four, sub criteria eight and indicators 24 Criteria, sub criteria and indicators flood water spreading bolterusing Delphi method and determine their degree and percent importance. For this purpose, a questionnaire experts survey (Delphi questionnaire) containing extracted criteria preparation and was in the hands of specialists. For each criteria, sub criteria and indicators calculated criteria percent importance and importance degree. According to the criteria importance the chart be provided selection possible elected criteria. criteria, sub criteria and indicators Prioritization was determined of the percent importance and  importance degree each criterion. Finally GIS help were prepared site selection maps.The results showed that according to questionnaire and the opinions experts and charts  in site selection flood water spreading watershed ivar respectively soil infiltration indicators, flooding quality, soil texture, slope, and the presence aqueduct and sub criteria water, aquifer and topography and infiltration and flooding criteria were considered important and appropriate. Region prone to floodwater spreading are located in quaternary units the watercourse and alluvial fans, alluvial terraces up and down terraces that the causes can cited be placed units these in the margins of the main channels, consisted of clay and silt very low, sand and gravel abundant and be at the lower elevations and low slopes.
