Assessment the factors affecting value creation ecotourism space In desert ecosystems (Case stuy: Maranjab)



Tourism and entrepreneurship are including in new thread of world scientific literature. No doubt accurate and appropriate compilation of tourism and entrepreneurship can not only meet the needs of the villagers, involving secure tourism for tourists. The key issue in the realization of entrepreneurial activity at the community level, providing entrepreneurial atmosphere. The relationship between tourism and sustainable development of entrepreneurship in the region can be through consideration the potential positive impact of entrepreneurship on various aspects of economic, cultural and social environment to be determined. The present study aims to identify and prioritize the criteria for ecotourism entrepreneurship desert regions have been conducted in Maranjab. The research instrument was a questionnaire constructed with 6 index, 21 criteria and 125 sub-criteria Its validity by experts and its reliability by using Cronbach's alpha test and was confirmed to the 0/93 and by 25 experts in the field of tourism Maranjab answered. Data analysis was conducted using the Delphi technique. The findings suggest, cultural and educational criteria with a weighted average of 1.096, the highest factor influencing entrepreneurship is ecotourism in Maranjab. Social Criteria 0.946 Weighted average rating criteria for eco-tourism, basic infrastructure, accommodation, transport and leisure facilities have been 0.665, 0.588, 0.560, 0.559 weight rating and 0.524 respectively in the second to seventh positions. Local market benchmark with an average of 0.508 points eighth criteria of effective was influencing entrepreneurship ecotourism. Criteria soil characteristics, physical appearance, economic, vegetation, climate, wildlife, institutional, advertising and media, health - Medical treatment, food and beverage, water resources, communications - electronic and environmental sensitivity weighted average 0.163 respectively in the subsequent positions ecotourism was diagnosed impact on entrepreneurial opportunities.


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